This and That
Other than my 'war' wounds all is well as can be expected in our household. All the kids are well and looking forward to school starting. MK and LB had their first doctor appointment this week and came through that with flying colors. Poor little LB had 3 shots. Papa L called me, as I was leaving an 8 hr class, and asked me if I had children's Tylenol. I said yes, WHY? They were going to give LB 6 shots. I said "no their not. They can give him 3 now and 3 later." I couldn't see putting that poor little guy through that. SIX??? That would be tough for an adult. That evening I was very thankful I had him only get 3. He had a slight reaction, swelling and fever...probably the MMR (or whatever they call these days) and he didn't feel so good the next morning but he is well now and proudly shows people his "shots."
I love my kids...all of them. I am so thankful for them. They sure keep me going. They sure make me tired...but they do keep me going.
Tomorrow is Labor Day. We are going to have a barbecue. My hubby actually has the day off so he is at work, driving his bus, making plans for tomorrow. He is so excited. I sit here typing, occasionally looking around at my house and seeing what a mess it is and think...hmmmm maybe I can get it cleaned up in the morning. It's family coming over and they have seen it picture perfect before and they have seen it in it's 'normal' state also. So I won't stress over it. I want to enjoy my parents being here. I want to enjoy my kids being here. AND I really want to enjoy my grandson being here. I have not had a kiss from over a week. I miss him greatly. It's amazing what love can do. My little foster son has taken to giving me big hugs and kisses. What a blessing. That I am not trying to replace his mommy but God has given him someone to fill that need. I read recently from a blogger that "Foster Care Stinks" but I say (and still stand my ground on) it is SIN that stinks. These kids are in a system by no choice of their own. The people in their lives made their choices. Though people are raised around drugs, incest, alcohol every adult can make a decision to do what is right. But due to their own selfishness they choose not to. Don't judge me either and my opinions. YOU do not know me or my past experiences.
I have WAY more to say on that subject but it's for another day. Right now. I have 5 kids in my home needing my attention and my love. Then it's bedtime for the gang and quiet time for me.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You and Make His Face to Shine Upon You and Give You Peace.