Summer Fun & Contemplation

Well I survived the last couple of days. I do feel weary tonight but it's not just the activities that make me tired. Marriage, finances, spiritual battles. Raising the kids is the easy part.

We enjoyed our trip to the zoo though it rained the entire time we were there. I am thankful though, it was a light rain and it wasn't 95 degrees or higher. I will take the rain over the heat anytime.

The zoo is hosting an event called 'Dinosaurs.' It was pretty fun though not all that informative, at least not for us. I feel like we ran through it. The kids were so excited to see the next one and the next one.....and so on. The greatest being the T-Rex of course which had a loud roar. The little ones didn't get scared though. They also had a small tented area set up for "digging for fossils." they REALLY liked that. It was large sand boxes and they used magnifying glasses and paint brushes to look for the fossils. They were able to keep one fossil, which consisted of broken shells and teeth from....well I'm not sure what and probably don't want to know. But each child found one and they were thrilled to keep their prize. About the scariest part for the kids was the "fog" we had to walk through. At one point there was very dense fog with sound effects. They were almost too scared to walk through it, but we made it and found there was nothing to be scared of at all. There was nothing but fog. lol

I am very curious right now. There seems to be a shift in the spirit realm. The way God interacts with believers. I tend to think it's just me but then through conversations and observations it doesn't appear to just be me. I don't even know how to put it into words. I do know my spirit feels differently. Without even saying more, I would appreciate those of you who feel the same 'something' to write me.

God our Savior is the same yesterday, today and forever . I know He does not change, but I do believe, because of biblical history, He changes how he interacts with HIS creation. He is still the Almighty and He is seeing His plans through. I pray for HIS strength, HIS Grace, and HIS Mercy to sustain me through these times in order to fulfill His plans for my life and the lives of my children and Grandchildren.

Hebrews 13

15Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. 16And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


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