Almost time....

I took my daughter in-law in for her OB appointment and a 'Non stress-test' to see how the baby is doing. She is only 2 days past her due date but the medical world starts to pressure and panic. She is going to a midwife but she is for sure not the kind of midwife I am use to. Offering a lot of medical intervention. Anyways, the baby's heart is staying steady but that concerned them because they wanted to see it get stimulated...long story short, ultra sound showed baby is fine, placenta is fine, amount of fluid fine. So I went out to the waiting room while they conducted the internal exam and they (mommy and daddy) came out with the news that Em is 4cm dilated and the midwife "stripped" her membranes. Sooooooo it could be tonight or tomorrow I will be making a trek to the hospital. They did make an appointment for her to admitted to the hospital on Friday for induction. I don't think she will make it that long....I am hoping she doesn't. I hate that they interfere so much and pressure Mom's to have the baby NOW! I hope her body does it on it's own. I am excited however to see him. I can not wait to hold him, kiss him, and pray over him. You will be seeing pictures soon! We are waiting baby Carter.....


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