More beauties to share....

I have permission from the state caseworker to post pictures of my foster children. Which is great because now you have faces to go along with the prayers and also they are such a part of our life it's hard for me to share photos of the family that doesn't have them included. So here they are....The girl is MK and the boy is LB.

They are a blessing to me. They have a tough road to walk so please pray for them. For what they have been through, they are happy and well balanced. They have learned to pray over their meals and MK has the majority of the 'Lords Prayer' memorized. Pray their Dad stays a constant in their life (through visitation) and their Mom would get the help she needs and she would allow the Lord to intervene and give her eyes to see what is important. They have not had a visit with her since they were placed with us and she is the primary parental role to them. They love their parents very much. Pray for healing for all 4 of them.
Here they are .......


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