Preston Newby

Today at service I learned of a young couple struck with tragedy this past week. Not sure why it stuck in my heart so but it has. I looked up the articles and then I found a blog by Tara...the wife. It still amazes me after all these years how life can change in a fraction of a second. Everything you do, everything you hoped in, everything you had planned for your future. Just everything.

I will post this information on my blog in honor of Preston Newby and of his wife and two children (one yet to be born). This is my blog so I choose to pay tribute to those who I feel are due. Read Tara's blog, especially in regards to the book her hubby had wanted to write. Carry those words and share those words. Let it be a living book. Also, notice the address at the end of the article. Take some time and send Tara and her son some money! Bless her in that way. She has better use of it now than you do anyways.... :-)

Pray for them!

The article:

Preston Newby really couldn't pass by someone who needed help.
A youth pastor at Lake Bible Church in Lake Oswego, Newby was driving his family north on Interstate 5 on Monday night, when he saw another driver hit an elk near the Toledo, Wash., exit. He immediately pulled over, told his wife, Tara, to sit tight and investigated.
When Newby saw that the 16-year-old driver was bleeding, he raced back to his car, grabbed his cell phone and called 9-1-1.
That's when another motorist swerved to avoid the elk carcass, striking Newby.
He was killed instantly.
"He was a servant," said Jim Andrews, Lake Bible Church senior pastor. "You could ask him to shine your shoes, and he would smile and do it. That's how he got killed."
Preston Clay Newby, 24, had been a youth pastor for two years, his first real job after graduating from Multnomah University.
He and Tara had one son, 16-month-old Jacob. Tara is expecting their second child.
Andrews said Newby grew up in Texas and Montana, then attended Briercrest College and Seminary in Saskatchewan, Canada, where he and Tara met. Newby then transferred to Multnomah University, where he completed his bachelor's studies.
"He was an extraordinary young man," Andrews said. "He was quite musical and could play guitar and piano. We sometimes had him lead our worship."
Andrews said Newby was exceptionally good with youths in the congregation and worked very closely with his co-youth pastor, Jonathan Thompson.
"The two of them really were a team," Andrews said. "They were like brothers."
Andrews said Newby was planning to be ordained.
A memorial service was Saturday at Lake Bible Church. Donations to benefit Newby's family can be mailed to the church, 4565 Carman Drive, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.


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