Early morning thinking

It's a very early morning for me. I was so looking forward to sleeping in an hour and yet I woke up earlier than normal. It gave me opportunity to tell the husband goodbye and send him off to work. I also sent out a family e-mail. Now what. I don't want to make too much noise...might wake the kiddos...don't want that!!! Ahhh, quiet...well except for the sound of the fans running, the dogs walking around, the trains going by and the planes overhead...but other than that quiet!
I have a dear sister in the Lord in Ethiopia right now. I was so looking forward to an update on her blog this morning, but nothing. I would have loved to have been with her. My heart is to go there. I have wanted to go there since I was a little girl. I have no idea what that desire would have been planted when I was a child. I think it's possible it was from looking at National Geographic. The same reason I fell in love with Jane Goodall. I lived through those magazines. So, I am wondering if that is where I had my first glimpse of the people of Ethiopia. Where the children were starving and illness was just starting to run rampant. Where orphanages had not yet began to organize. The little ones walking around with flies covering their eyes and their belly's protruding. That's what I saw. But even then, I could see something more. I could see a beautiful human needing a second chance. I beautiful child needing some hope. Why there? I wonder why that place, above so many, God has placed on peoples hearts. It is curious. I do know it has been on my heart farther back than I can even remember. It's always been there. I would have loved to have adopted from there. Still would, but when you are part of a team, you need the whole team on board. So if it never happens, I am sure God will use me/we in a different way. One never knows. God's plans are perfect and sometimes when it's time for the plan to be put into motion it's a roller coaster ride. It's like you are shot out of the gate and you are going 60 mph in a split second. Mind boggling. That's our God. Mind Boggling....in a good..no a great way~!
So, right now I will enjoy the blogs of others. Those who are on the path to bringing children home and those who have brought children home. I will pray for them. I will pray for the people who are still in Africa (and other places) caring for the orphans. I will pray God's provision for them. I will continue to pray for the orphans state side as well. It's takes so little to make such a great difference. Give a person love and hope and it changes their entire being. That's what God did for us...He gave us Love and He gave us Hope...it has changed us....for eternity!
Well, half a cup of coffee down and only one child awake.....ahhhh, paradise!!!


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