Our history... our present

Something that has been heavy on mind for some time now is our elderly...more specifically our Widows. I read blog after blog about orphans and adoption but, honestly, I have not read any regarding our charge of widows. I love our older generations. I worked as a CNA at a nursing home (nope not a retirement center...a nursing home!) and the only bright side was caring for and getting to know those who had lived this life and were finishing out their days. The story's they have are beautiful, fascinating, and sad. ALL worth listening to. I still enjoy our older set, but I am guilty of not taking time to get to know them or to minister to them.
In recent weeks the Lord has laid on my heart to start reaching out to them, the widows. Start by writing them a letter. Letting them know they are thought of and how I would love to get to know them. I write one letter a week. So far it has been 2 weeks and the response is....beautiful. I plan to get together with them as time allows. That will be the trickier part...but not impossible. I will make it happen. They are important. They are not used up and useless to society. Their love, their experience, their knowledge is of value...Great value!
I don't do this out of obligation, I do this because God brought to the surface of my heart something I enjoy and I know is so very important.
Take the time to love on our elderly, take the time to love on and assist the widows....even the grumpy and protective ones. Let them not be forgotten or spend day after day alone. See what they need. You are never too old or young to help. No matter how old you are...there is always someone older. No matter how young you are, you can bring life and love into their lives. See how God would move you...it is after all part of HIS great design.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


Angela said…
This was a sweet post. This is so important for our children to watch us do as well. We can give them a love for the elderly by spending time with them. I love that "gift" that my Mother instilled in me. Plus we had a ton of elderly people in our church growing up. It's harder in a young church, but very important! Hugs!

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