
We had a our date night last night. I must say the movie 'Fireproof' it is AWESOME! We loved it. I teared up I don't know how many times ,and I actually laughed OUT loud. I am anxious to see it again. We are sending my son J and his wife (you know, the two that graced us with a grandson!!!) to see it tonight.
Kirk Cameron is fantastic. What a great actor. The woman who played his wife...not so much. She just wasn't a great actress but she did ok. I am glad we saw it. I would love a miracle or two in my marriage was a movie. All my life I have hoped for the scenario's in the movies and it just doesn't happen. The drama in the movie last night was very true to life though and the only thing that gives me hope about the ending to that movie being a possibility is because of the God I serve. He can do all things.


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