3 birthdays

So our lovely M just turned 8. She is a blessed girl because she was able to have 3 THREE birthdays. She had a 'Princess Tea Party' on Saturday, her real birthday (celebrated with a powdered/raspberry filled donut with a candle in the middle for breakfast) on Tuesday, then a family party tonight with cupcakes and presents. She LOVED every sugared moment of it. This special attention has made her very happy. I even received a random hug yesterday which is unlike her. We have several Hannah Montana and High School Musical items now floating around the bedroom.

Her life is not the way she would have it. Her parents are not where they should be. But right now, by God's Grace she is loved, she is safe, and she is being blessed by His goodness. God knows what the plans for her future are and I pray with all my heart she walks in those plans. I pray God will be the father she desires. I pray she allows him to consume her heart. I pray she is blessed beyond words all the days of her life.

Pic of Silly princess'


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