A Noisy Quiet Moment

It's windy and cold here in Portland today but with the sun shining the kids just HAD to go outside. Baby is taking a nap, A is off to basketball practice, S is at Grandma and Poppies (her other home) and the 3 left are outside riding scooters terrorizing the neighborhood. We have neighbors who have yelled at the kids for making too much noise. The neighbors down the road just sold their home because they were so tired for being harassed about their kids. Kids playing outside yelling and screaming and riding bikes. It's sad. Kids can't be kids anymore. They need to be outside. Kids need to make noise. Kids need to be free to have some fun. I like the sound of them playing outside. I temper the screaming sometimes (it gets a bit much) but other than that.....noise outside made by kids is great. The same neighbors who have yelled at my kids are also the ones who have a dog who would bark everytime we went outside AND you can hear the football game blaring on weekends. Funny how the sounds of kids playing and having fun is an irritation to some. But right now...the sound of a quiet house is so sweet. I can hear the clocks ticking and fish tank pump running. Hmmmmmm....maybe I should go check on the kids outside. Quiet kids....now that's something to fret about!!!


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