Spring Break Coming to a Close
Sad to say Spring Break is coming to a close. I have loved having the kids home. I have loved having no appointments, no sta te visits, no morning alarm clock, and no w atching the clock constantly. The week went quickly. We didn't have money or time to take a trip out of town so we stayed home and I tried to do something at 3 of the 5 weekdays with the kids. Day 1 we spent with Papa Larry. Just hung around the house and enjoyed being a family. Day 2 we went to a new (to us) park in Portland. It's called the Rose Garden Children's Playground. After we left there I took the kids to the Oregon Rose Garden but none of them wanted to get out...so I got out and took a few photos. We picked up Taco Bell on the way home. They were thrilled with that. Day 3 we went to a new (to us) park in Sandy Oregon. It was awesome. the kids loved it, I loved it and what a beautiful setting. It had a slide the little one loved so I didn't have to spend my time chasing her through the pl...