Why is it....

Why is it there are times when journaling, e-mailing, Facebooking, Blogging seem to go to the wayside. I know there are times of busy-ness....but sometimes it seems more that there doesn't seem to be anything to share. Events happen daily...there is always something I 'could' write about but can't seem to organize my thoughts enough to write. Sometimes 'things' just don't seem worthy...worthy to bother others with. Though I love reading others Blogs. I love reading about their 'regular' days or their not so good days. But lately....say for the last two months I get on my Blog, read my favorites, consider writing....and then....don't!

So...here I sit...with so much I could write about, just can't seem to organize my thoughts to write about anything. So, I choose to give the 'lowdown' on the family.
Oldest to youngest.....

The huzb...he is back to working full time since his knee surgery. We had a little 'bump' with finances while that was all going on but I believe we are over it now. I am thankful he is healing and I pray he continues to heal and heals well. He is co-leading a men's study group at our 'Family Night Live' gathering at our church on Tuesdays. I am happy about that. He has great potential to be a good teacher. He needs experience to help him learn to stay focused, learn to organize and study.This is good in MANY aspects for him.

The Adult Son, his wife, and my GRANDSON...they are doing great. They are happy, healthy, and they are participating in their first real ministry. My son is helping me to lead a children's group at our church called Kidz Klub. It has been great fun working with him.

The Adult Daughter...she is now in her 7th month of pregnancy and struggling greatly. Due to her back surgery when she was 13 (a 14 hour surgery) the weight of the pregnancy has caused her great pain with her job. She still does not have a license and must walk to the bus or Max and that causes back pain. Her BF was able to drive her often but as of today he is in the Navy. He left today for boot camp. Soooo, my heart is heavy for my girl. Oh how I want to drive over to her apartment, gather her things and move her back into my home where I can feed her, care for her and hug her when I want. BUT...I can not. I am feeling in my heart there maybe times when she will be here and I will pretend it doesn't thrill me to pieces....but I will for sure worry all the more for her now. She is due December 27th....some come December or possibly January I will have a new grandson to love and adore! Pray for my girl.

My boy A, he is loving High School even though he is a Freshman. He is in football right and loving it. He is doing great at keeping up his homework and his attitude has been wonderful.

My girl SR, she doing wonderful in piano she quite a gift, especially for reading music...now if I can only get her to like and enjoy it! She Loves being at her grandmas more than being home but that is nothing new. Though she struggles with reading and writing, she excels in Science. She also loves to sing so I need to incorporate more music into Homeschooling. She started Volleyball this week.

My girl AR, she is my love bug. She loves to love on me and I take ALL she can give. She too is great at piano. Unlike Staci though...Amy prefers to learn it by memory and play it her way. She enjoys it a little more than her elder sister but not much. I know one day they will appreciate it! She does very well in reading and writing but struggles some with Science. Neither girl does well in Math (why God why?!?!?! my least favorite subject). She is a great singer and loves to sing. Quite an ear for music since she was very little. Just wish she had the courage like her older sib. I can however get them to sing together and we have started working on harmony! She too started Volleyball this week...I had the girls placed on the same team. Makes my life easier.

My girl MK, She wasn't ready for school to start but she has been loving it and enjoying it. She has a great teacher (one my girl SR had before) and she really likes him. She has really settled well into our family. She has become increasingly affectionate. A few months ago she began to cuddle with me occasionally and giving me hugs without me initiating them. Then just the other night she kissed me goodnight...on my lips. I was quite surprised. She loves her parents but seems to be happy and comfortable here. I am glad she gets to see her parents often, that helps her a lot. I am thankful for her.

My boy LB, what a doll. He started Kindergarten this year and oh how thrilled he was. He even gets to ride the bus!!! He loves it. I hate the fact it's half day so I spend my morning watching the clock, get him fed, on the bus and before I know....they are home. But he is happy and he is learning. Now that he is in school I have seen some change in his personality....it always happens. The influence of other kids. He has gotten a little more defiant and a little more ornery. So that has been fun! not! He is still very affectionate and cuddly and oh how he loves the baby in our family! He fits so well into our family, it's great. He too loves his mom and dad very much but seems to be happy and comfortable here. I am thankful for him.

My baby girl, she is a living doll. Ornery as all get out...stubborn, willful, beautiful and so very loved but ALL the family. She has so many people in our family wrapped around her fingers she has no fingers left. She is so full of life. She will not be going back to her bio mom, so now we are praying she will get to stay with us. Oh how we pray that!!! We will for sure keep in contact with mom and any bio family who desires to have a relationship with her. She recognizes her mom as someone she knows, but she for sure sees me, her papa L, and her kids as her family! I am thankful for her.

As for me...I am praying for God's deliverance in areas of my life I need healing and restructure. I am praying constantly for God to fill our home with joy, peace, and laughter. Big changes have happened and big changes are on the horizon so I want my Heavenly Father to always be in the lead. For Him I can trust, For I know he loves me/us and wants what is best for me/us!
He has blessed us so amazingly!
So, that's that for now! Pray for our family....I pray for you, though I don't know who is reading this.......i still pray for you!

God's blessings


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