The Brave and the Strong....

Here we are in October. The big occasion in our family for October is My parents anniversary. This is last years ANNIVERSARY history and such. Well this year, my parents celebrated their 57th. How fantastic is that?!? The day of their anniversary was Sunday and a special Sunday at that. It was recital day for my two girls and for my MOM! My Mom is so brave. She is 71 years old and taking piano lessons for the first time in her life. Our piano teacher is also the organ player at she arranged for my mom to play her recital piece during offering. My Mom was over the top nervous. She did lose her spot one time but otherwise she did just fine. As she finished and was coming down the steps towards the pews my husband, my kids, and my dad met her there with a beautiful arrangement of lavender roses and red roses. Surprising her greatly. It was sweet! That afternoon my parents took each other out to lunch. That evening was recital time and I was so proud of my Mom and my girls. They did fantastic. My Mom is a strong woman. Enduring so much in her life and she never gave up. Never gave up on her marriage, never gave up on her kids, and never gave up on her dreams. We have sang together several times at church and oh how this blesses my heart. My MOM blesses my heart. She does so much to help me (and my siblings). I truly do not know how I would manage without her. She not only loves and adores us but she has also embraced the foster kids fully. She loves and adores them too. She commented before how she never knew how you could love kids so much that did not come from your own she knows. She can and does love them just as much. They ARE her grand kids...she is THEIR grandma....100%

It was a blessed day. I thank God for the parents who gave me life. I thank God for the Mom who laid the foundation of faith so I would come to know Jesus as my savior and have life eternal.


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