Starting off....

So, today is Monday and I have decided to start fresh. These are my goals for the rest of the year and into next. I am going to give some effort to getting some of this weight off. Honestly (and I am being transparent about this) and I am not in the mood to focus on eating healthy and losing some weight. It is a great stress to do this. I know I's suppose to help a person feel better and I am sure it would in the long run but in the LONG RUN...I have been on this road more than I can count. I have been a failure at this more than I can count is stressful. It causes great stress in my life to focus on planning, buying, cooking, and eating healthy meals. I won't even go into the exercise realm of it righ now. Ugh! BUT I have to do something. So i am sharing it here. I hope maybe whoever reads this would pray for me and my family as I give this a attempt. I did get on the scale for the first time in months. Good news is I am still the same weight I have been for the last 2 much you might ask let's say....A LOT!!!
The other goal is to get this home organized. I feel more hopeful about that than I do the weight 'thing' but still it's a mountain in front of me (or all around me!). We have so much stuff and we have so many bodies in this house and due to physical problems and having a very needy 1 year old the house has fall into a pit of despair (ok....a little over the top dramatic?) This is my job, this is my ministry, this is my home and I need it to represent God. I need it to be an outward reflection of a God Loved and redeemed woman. So....I MUST get it cleaned up, organized, and free flowing.
I need to organize my time. It's time for me to get somewhat scheduled. I need to gain some control of my time. I need to quit focusing on 'time wasters.' So, I have to tell family and friends I must turn off my cell for periods of time. I must turn off the pc for periods of time. Both of these are time wasters! With God leading me I know I can get handle on this.
So, that's my heart today. I want to use this blog to share and to record progress, failures, frustration. Feel free at any moment to pray for me. I know I can not succeed under my own power. I know I have a loving father who will provide for all my needs and he will give me the wisdom I need. we go!


Heather Friesen said…
I heard a sermon a couple of weekends ago that addressed the clean house issue. A house in good order is a reflection of wisdom. 1 Kings 10:4: "And when the Queen of Sheba had *seen* all the wisdom of Solomon, the house he had built."

Wisdom is more than just knowing, it is putting what you know into practice (in this case, cleaning and organizing the house).

And oh, that sermon was difficult to hear, b/c it means that I am not wise!!! I've seen your house so I know that yours is in much better shape than mine, you smarty-pants! ;)

Yes, our households are embassies for the Lord. Mine is a poor reflection of care for what He has entrusted to me. Let's pray for each other, and perhaps even give each other a day at each house to help?

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