Why worry

It has been quite a couple of weeks. The husband ended up having surgery on his knee just this past Wednesday. It has made for a very long week. Today has been better so far for which I am so thankful.
As of Tuesday night I now have a High School Freshman again. He is so very excited. We were very proud of him at his graduation. He received two awards, one choir award and one athletic award. The awesome part of the choir award is he gets 10 weeks of voice lessons. That is great. I always wanted voice lessons so I am very happy for him.
Our Foster Girl MK had a great award ceremony last week also. She received 5 different awards. Attendance, Personal Success for reading, Most Improved, 'Perseverance,' and another reading award. How fantastic is that. This for a little lady who missed over 50% of school last year and came into her 2nd grade class reading at a Kindergarten level. She is now up to a 2nd grade level. She has worked so hard and has been so proud of herself. What a transformation. God Bless Her.
As for my home schoolers we will continue schooling since we have had many interruptions and probably will throughout summer break. The girls didn't complain because they understood. It will be a little more challenging since we will have MK home and the neighborhood kids home coming over and calling for my girls to come out to play but we will work it out. If we continue to get our studies done in the mornings then we can hopefully get them done before the phone calls start.
The foster kids are back to getting visits. BG will start in a week with one visit a week at first and maybe move into two visits depending on availability of an SSA. The other two....well it's up in the air. It depends on the bio mom calling in and then showing up. I pray she does. At the visit they had with her this week she gave them some pics of themselves with her when they small. They were so excited and happy to show us. They are such dolls and their mom is just beautiful. I so pray for her mind and her heart. As for BG...not sure what is ahead in the next few weeks. I am sure it won't be in my favor but this isn't about me, though I am 200% involved.

God is caring for us I know and yet my mind gets in the way and starts to feel down and overwhelmed. With the hubby off work (for 6 more weeks) my mind does not know how we will pay our bills but my heart knows God already had a plan in place. I am just hopeful part of that plan doesn't involve losing my home but then again, HIS will be done. For He is perfect and thus His plans are perfect!
Matthew 6:25
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body what you will wear. Isn't life more important than food and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"


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