Playing Catch up

Our Anniversary was on the 16th. It was a nice day, different but nice. We went out to breakfast, then did some errands and purchased some new, used furniture for our home. We then went out to dinner. Wanted to catch a movie but it was getting too late and my mom was gracious enough to care for the kids that day.
The wedding:
The weather was cool but clear and sunny for our anniversary. Very beautiful....unlike the year we were married. During the week I had heard reports of weathermen forecasting freezing rain (funny how when it's bad news people beat a path to you to share such info) but I took it in stride. They are rarely right. That Friday when we had our rehearsal dinner and set up the church I arrived back at my home at 1:00 a.m. Sky clear...stars too numerous to count. I fell asleep about 2, alarm went off at 6 and the first thing I noticed was the sound of rain hitting the bathroom vent. I can not tell you how deep my heart fell into my stomach. It just couldn't be. So I threw on my robe and went to the front door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I walked slowly to the railing and slid my hand was....solid ice. It was like a dream. I went back to my room and called L and told him. He couldn't believe it. The first person to call me was my hairdresser (whom I had met once when my daughter had her hair done for a school dance) She said, "Malissa, I don't think the wedding is going to happen today." I knew she was right. The next 3 hours I spent on the phone calling and receiving calls. I did not have a list of all the people and their phone numbers. Oh no...that was at work on my pc. That was the day the weather shut down Portland Oregon. Here I was to be married to a man who was brought to me by God and then God said "You had your plans but I had mine." What was the purpose??? I had no idea and still don't. The wedding did happen. It happened on the 16th instead of the 15th. though we had about 45 people there (out of the 130 invited) it went fantastic. It was relaxed and enjoyable. My childhood friend was going to be my matron of honor but she could not stay for the Sunday wedding so I asked my Redcross friend Amy. She was so happy to accept and would you believe she had a beautiful and perfect dress?!?!? Isn't God good and as it turned out...she was the perfect choice. We are best friends! It was just the way it should be. I missed many of my family but knew God had a purpose. It was my first real wedding....a wedding in a church and it was perfect. I went on my first honeymoon and also my first trip to Seattle and my first train trip and all of that was perfect. So, our anniversary always conjures up laughs and memories but as my brother always says, it's when things go wrong that make the most lasting memories. Still to this day our silver goblets that we took communion with are engraved with January 15th. Maybe I should just take a sharpie and edit correct it. Hence is our life. Very flawed but yet very blessed!

Happy 45th Birthday to my husband.

My hubby was a New Years baby, born in Selma Alabama. He was beat out of being the first baby of the new year by a baby girl born minutes before him. He has 9 siblings most of which are girls. Little did he know that would be his course of life. Over ran with females.

Larry is a fragile and precious jewel in the Lords eye. Though L has tried very hard to live the life he wants to live, which was not in alignment with God, God never gave up on Him or let him go. God has always been there to welcome L back into his arms. L was a gift to me. One foretold to me by God. I knew he would come into my life and when but I just didn't know who he was or what a rough and difficult gift he would be. God had a plan and a purpose and it is with thanks and gratitude that our Heavenly Father has chosen to give us L for yet another. Each year he becomes stronger, kinder, and closer to Christ. God bless this man with wisdom. Bless him with peace. Bless him with joy.

Birthday pics.

A, AR, L, and S.

LB, L, and MK

Happy Birthday to you....and so on......

Serving up Black eye peas, ham, rolls, sweet potatoes. Our New Years Favs. There was also duck, but that was for the birthday boy! His fav....not ours!


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