And we're off....

It seems God has swung wide the door he so directed us to. For many years I have desired to be a Foster parent for the State of Oregon. I prayed and asked God to cleary open the door if this be HIS will for our life. Then a couple of months ago my hubby and I began the certification process. Well, tomorrow will be our first placement with the Oregon State DHS. I am nervous and excited. My heart is heavy for the 2 little ones who will be placed with us but I am excited to get them out of the 'center' where they are being kept at this time. I won't give details regarding the children coming and going through our home except age and gender but I will ask you to pray for them and let God do the rest. He not only know their names and situations, he knows how hairs are on their heads.
We have been busy rearranging rooms and putting up bunk beds (which by the way had missing parts and yet because I have an amazing mother, we were able to make new parts!) and searching the web for other pieces of furniture...such as a toddler bed. Last night we did receive an e-mail telling us a family in Boring (for those of you out of state, that really is a name of a town in Oregon) had a toddler bed and mattress for us. YEEESSSS! We got up bright and early and my hubby went and picked it up while my son A and I rearranged the room.
We are pretty much ready. Yes, I am nervous. Not knowing the future can some times cause slight tension but knowing who holds and directs that future gives peace. God has a plan and purpose for our lives, I am walking the path of one of the plans and purposes he has for me and I rejoice in Him.


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