Upcoming Festivities

I am still awaiting the birth of my grandson but in the meantime we will be celebrating my youngest bio daughters birthday. Her birthday is on Saturday. The festivities will start on Friday when we will be going to the Oregon Zoo http://www.oregonzoo.org/. One of our favorite places. There is a Dinosaur Exhibit running at this time which daughter A is thrilled to go and see. I have heard from family that it is indeed a good exhibit.
Saturday we will be attending the Chautauqua Festival
http://www.ci.gladstone.or.us/Chautauqua.html in Gladstone Oregon http://www.ci.gladstone.or.us/ . Just a small little town on the suburb of Portland but it's a family tradition to attend. The kids get plenty of candy, we get to see the 'Elvis' Lady (Elvis' #1 fan) and several VBS floats. Then we head to the city park and enjoy music and the smell of carnival food.
After the Gladstone activities we will head home where we will celebrate the birth of a rare and precious gift, my daughter A. We will have a few family members come over and we will have cake and maybe ice cream. All my kids had birthday parties last year so this year is little more low key. So there will be plenty of pictures to share in the coming days.
'Jehovah Shalom'


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