Not much...

Isn't much happening these days in the Porter home that I would want to take time to repeat on this blog, but I did just want to post something.....anything.
I am blessed beyond reason. I have a nice home and such beautiful kids. My husband is a work in progress which is better than a husband who has settled to stay the same. My parents are wonderful and I have a great extended family. Oh have I mentioned that all my family have homes...and we all have food, water, and clothing. I praise God for that.
These days we are working (the husband that is) and we are schooling, we are going to school, we are practicing piano, we are going to church, we are in Kidz Klub and Youth Group. We are in the process of going forward in the adoption of our youngest. We are still working on reunification for the other two. We are praying for Haiti's. We are praying for orphans. We are taking each day as it comes and God willing, we will have tomorrow to try and get it right again.
He never gives up on us. Praise God.

Deuteronomy 31:8b "He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."


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