Oh yes....

Playing with Nana on the floor
A with rosy cheeks
LB, neighbor friend V, and MK

S and J standing against the wind

Trudged through the snow to see Nana

What a sweet Sunday it has been. We had snow in Portland Oregon!!! More specifically at our house. We don't have snow often, so it's a treat and this is the first time in YEARS I have been happy to see the snow fall. To see the wind blowing like crazy swirling the snow around. One big difference? I don't have to go to work tomorrow. I didn't have anywhere to go today. Even church was cancelled. I just stayed home, decorated the tree, made home made soup and muffins, dressed and undressed kids several times today. Picked up wet clothes and sheets off the floor. My eldest son and his wife and the owners of my beautiful grandson bundled up and trudged through the snow to get here. My son wanted to play with the kids in the snow. :-) They only live about 4 blocks away. CJ slept like, um...like a baby on the way here. He was so snuggled. It was fun today. Even the kids running in and out and getting snow all over the carpet (which quickly turned to water soaking the carpet...hence the sheets)didn't bother me. I felt the need to cook and bake and feed my kids. A compulsion so strong it couldn't be ignored. They really enjoyed it too. Thank you Jiffy company for making boxed goods. I so wanted to bake but had very little flour (bummer) so I dug out the reserves...the boxes of Jiffy muffins. The kids loved them. Anyways...I had tons of baby kisses too. Oh yum! I had both babies on the floor. It was a good day. I missed my older girl K. She was home alone. :-( also she has a fire place but no wood. Bummer. We texted often. I love my kids.
So time to post some pics and get back to decorating the tree and call the last of the kids in.
We had a great day. Much fun!!!


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