My Christmas desire

As part of our homeschooling we always do bible study first. What I have chosen to do is pick a scripture each week and we talk about it for the entire week. We have discussions and we have exercises I have created to help them (us) memorize the scripture. I have NEVER been able to memorize scripture. I have just never had the memory for such things. Same reason I have never been able to memorize multiplication facts and MANY other things. It's frustrating but it is what it is.
Some of what we have studied has been the Ten Commandments, the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37) and others. This week our study is one of my favorite scriptures. Philippians 4:8. I love this scripture. It's beautiful. It's what I want to attain. I want to daily have my thoughts on such things but for anyone who knows me this is opposite of my personality. I am a worrier. I am a fretter. I am judgmental. Life has not be horrible to me but most of my life has been a struggle. Be it my life decisions or not.
The last 4 years have been some of the hardest. I will spare the gory details but they have been the hardest and the darkest. God has chosen this time to bring Philippians 4:8 back into my life. He knows what I need. He knows what would turn my life around. He knows what foundation my kids need to build on, they do after all carry my genes. Christmas time is one of my favorite times of year. It's beautiful. It's sentimental. It's full of lights and music. All my favorite. Sadness tries to creep in and steal my joy. Christmas' of past. People who have come and gone (and many of them still living). Christmas where we had no money and yet it was the best Christmas ever. The one Christmas day that I spent alone. Christmas no matter how we celebrate it, happened. Christ was born. Doesn't matter when or how the stable really looked. We know, believe and celebrate that he was indeed born. Our King came to earth as a baby. For us. FOR US! No sadness is due. It's only truth and beauty. So this Christmas I ask God to help me heal and hold onto this verse. This verse to Transform my mind. Transform my life. After all we all were given the best Christmas present ever. A Savior!

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anythings is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.


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