Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

I am going to attempt to do some catch up. This little baby of mine is going to be the death of me. We can not get her on any kind of schedule and she can not be pacified very easily except for juggling her in your arms. So, this will be an attempt to post a very important event.
The event was missed by me on my blog because I was consumed by packing and cleaning and organizing before the 'big' trip to Dland. The event? My parents anniversary....56th anniversary to be exact which was October 18th. I felt so guilty about not saying anything to them that day, I then called them from the hotel in Anaheim on Sunday the 19th. My mom informed me they too had forgotten their own anniversary! LOL....that's a first ever. They too were consumed with thoughts of the girls and I taking our trip. Anyways...here is my tribute to some WONDERFUL people...my parents!
Ed and Deanna............My mom was 14 when she married my dad and my dad was 19. Oh so young. They went on to have 6 kids. Two boys and four girls. They lived in Oklahoma until 71 (I think it was 71) when they loaded up their Chevy station wagon with their 4 remaining kids and whatever personal belongings they could fit into the wagon. My poor mom had to leave everything else behind, even her eldest daughter. My sister Angie had just married (they too eventually moved to Oregon). Also around that time my mom's oldest child, my brother Ed (whom we lovingly call Bub) left home to go into the Navy. My poor Mama! Losing two children, leaving families behind and also most of their material possessions and moving to the Pacific Northwest.
Soon after moving to Oregon my brother Charlie, age 11yrs, succumb to an illness he was born with. It was devastating to my family and took a huge toll on my mom. I do not remember much about that time (I am the youngest and I was 8 at that time). I do have memories of before and after but not during. She pulled through though...for us kids I am sure. That then left 3 of us at home.
My parents had their struggles but I will brag and say I have had some of the best parents ever. They loved us, provided for us, and has helped us as adults. I am thankful to God for them. If it were not for having kids of my own I need to take care of I would be selfish and ask God to take me before he takes one of them because I can not stand the thought of living in this world without them.
They are good people. They made the best possible home they could for all of us. They have helped so many. They have loved unconditionally. They Love God and believe in Jesus. They are wonderful grandparents and wonderful great grand parents.
The tally right now is:
Grand Kids 14
Great Grand Kids 13 - plus 1 due in November and 1 due next year
Surrogate Grand Kids 1
Surrogate Great Grand Kids 2
Foster Grand Kids 3
plus all the in-laws that come with all that! Pretty large family.
Here are my parents.
I love you Mom and Dad

Newly Married

25th Wedding Anniversary

40th Wedding Anniversary

50th Wedding Anniversary

Picture taken last year


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