
Showing posts from July, 2008

Upcoming Festivities

I am still awaiting the birth of my grandson but in the meantime we will be celebrating my youngest bio daughters birthday. Her birthday is on Saturday. The festivities will start on Friday when we will be going to the Oregon Zoo . One of our favorite places. There is a Dinosaur Exhibit running at this time which daughter A is thrilled to go and see. I have heard from family that it is indeed a good exhibit. Saturday we will be attending the Chautauqua Festival in Gladstone Oregon . Just a small little town on the suburb of Portland but it's a family tradition to attend. The kids get plenty of candy, we get to see the 'Elvis' Lady (Elvis' #1 fan) and several VBS floats. Then we head to the city park and enjoy music and the smell of carnival food. After the Gladstone activities we will head home where we will celebrate the birth of a rare and precious gift, my daughte...

'Extra all about it"

I finally found (with my Mom's help) the web page created for my Aunt and Uncle to celebrate their anniversary. Take a look. It's great. GOOD job Tommy and thanks for posting pictures I could steal for my blog! and if that doesn't work try

A 'Golden' weekend

This weekend was a busy one. > My adult son J and my step son A participated in a softball game Saturday morning. It was Fairview vs Troutdale. This weekend was Fairviews 100th anniversary. Our team (Fairview) lost but it was fun and the teams seemed to have a great time. >I would like to have visited some of the other activities but we needed to head to Harrisburg (OR) for a VERY important celebration. It was a party for my Aunt and Uncles 50th 'Golden' wedding anniversary. They were an important part of my life when I was little. We moved to Oregon when I was 6 (or 7) and they were the only relatives here. They were so kind, so loving, and sooooo funny! They always made me laugh and still do. My uncle always had/has a happy tune to whistle and I so remember my aunt having the most beautiful singing voice. I remember watching her sing at church and thinking "wow...I want to sing like that." Don't know if I ever achieved that, but I do know singing has alway...

Beautiful Pacific Northwest

Yesterday was a glorious day in the Pacific Northwest. Weather was perfect. Cool and eventually sunny. After a full day of grocery shopping and running errands I loaded up my adult daughter K and my 5 other kids and we headed up the 'Old Columbia' Hwy. We stopped off at Wakeena Falls and made the short but grueling (for me) trip up to the falls. It was great. Loud, wet, scenic, and perfect. Then back down to load up again. We then stopped at Multnomah Falls...always a treat! The new little ones had never been there so they were excited to see it. Then we loaded up again and headed to Horse Tail Falls. I had never stopped at that one. Just a few steps down and you are at the pool/base of the waterfall. Shallow enough for the kids to play in it. They had a blast. My dog Sirion (he is a rescue dog who happens to be a Weimeraner ) loved the water too. I have never had the opportunity to take him to water before. He would stick his face all the way into the water and grab rocks...

11 days to go

Have I mentioned recently anything about my bio Grandson? I didn't think so. I am so VERY excited. We only have 11 days til due date, so basically he could be making his beautiful appearance anytime. I don't have current ultra sound pics of him but soon I will have some real pics of him.....ahhhh, I can't wait to kiss his little face.

On the up side

Though I complained about working the system and figuring out OHP I have finally been able to make the needed medical appointments for the two little ones and dental coverage is in the works. Whew! I must say, though there appears to be many cracks in the State system everyone I have worked with thus far have been WONDERFUL. They are kind and courteous and helpful. Kudos to the State Child Welfare employees!

"One day at a time sweet Jesus...."

All is well on our home front. Our first placement has been a real blessing. Both the 'Treasures' (kids) are very balanced and sweet. I know in their heart there is pain and a void but for what they have been through, they are great. Our family and our church family just love them. I am very blessed. Today would have been visitation with bio mom for the first time since they have been with us but she is MIA. I did not tell them about the visit so they don't know she did not show. I am going to seek advice on how to talk to them about it. I don't want them getting their hopes up only to have them dashed but I also don't feel right about letting time just keep ticking away and them start to wonder why they see Dad every week but no one talks about them seeing Mom. I thank God that at least Dad has been showing up. Pray for them. Now that our home life is starting to settle in some, my brain has gone back to planning our homeschooling for the year. I really feel convic...

Riding the waves....

I am now a mommy to 5...again. It's been many years since I had 5 kids under my roof but I must say it feels natural. Especially since I have always been blessed with GREAT kids. We have been quite busy. The two new kids were brought to us on Friday. It is a 7 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. They were a little shy and nervous but seemed to adjust quickly. Having other kids I am sure assisted in the transition. That Saturday we participated in a yard sale, which was horrible and I will say I will never do again. I just do not have 'junk' that other people want. Two of my sons on the other hand did pretty well. Then that following Sunday (July 14th) VBS at our church started. It's always a great program but it runs from 6:30-9:00 which means fixing dinner promptly on time every day and then we try and get to the church by 6, then to return home by 9:30. Looooong days. I had the Saturday after VBS to regroup only to totally forget the books at the Library I had reserve...

And we're off....

It seems God has swung wide the door he so directed us to. For many years I have desired to be a Foster parent for the State of Oregon. I prayed and asked God to cleary open the door if this be HIS will for our life. Then a couple of months ago my hubby and I began the certification process. Well, tomorrow will be our first placement with the Oregon State DHS . I am nervous and excited. My heart is heavy for the 2 little ones who will be placed with us but I am excited to get them out of the 'center' where they are being kept at this time. I won't give details regarding the children coming and going through our home except age and gender but I will ask you to pray for them and let God do the rest. He not only know their names and situations, he knows how hairs are on their heads. We have been busy rearranging rooms and putting up bunk beds (which by the way had missing parts and yet because I have an amazing mother, we were able to make new parts!) and searching the web f...

Prayer and Fasting

I decided to post this plea for fasting and prayer. Though the dates mentioned have come and gone I believe it is still an excellent form of worship and prayer for Zimbabwe and for our nation. Consider praying and fasting for Zimbabwe and for the USA. Please read and see what you are willing to give up either for a 'time' or forever. But please remember, in ALL things let it be by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Blessings, MP "We are setting aside June 26-June 29 to pray and fast for Zimbabwe. To make our fasting particularly relevant to Zimbabwe, we have compiled a list of things that Zimbabweans live without daily. We encourage you to look through the list and pick something to live without for this four day period (or choose one item a day for the four days). In looking at the list you might think, "There is no way I can live without ___________!" We imagine the Zimbabweans once thought that way too. However, today they have no choice. By fasting one or more o...

"God Bless the USA"

Still trying to figure out how to get this blog out there. I can't even find it myself without using my shortcut. It's pretty obvious I am not a brainiac . Another Independence Day has come and gone. I love the 4 th of July. I don't like explosions (such as thunder or TNT ) but I love the 4 th . I love and adore America. I have no desire to live anywhere else. I am so thankful for this beautiful land. I do know it will not always be this way, this nation of freedom. We are a nation built on faith and yet the majority has and will turn their backs on God. So we too shall slip into the darkness that other countries are consumed by. But right of today. I am still free to praise God. I am free to talk to my neighbor and drive down the road to visit my family. I am free to sing "God Bless America" or "God Bless the USA." I am free to keep my face uncovered and look others in the eyes. I AM FREE! and I for one give thanks to the Almighty God, creato...