So, I have a a step son....well actually a nephew who I consider a son. In 1983, just a week or two after graduation I became an instant mom to 3. A young girl who never even had to clean her room, didn't really know how to cook, but here I was a Mom! The youngest was a beautiful blonde haired boy...9mths of age. The situation wasn't right, or was it righteous, but it was what it was. Sadly we can't change the past. It wasn't the easiest of times but they were beautiful times. The baby was beautiful and stole my heart. His name was/is Daniel. He was such a good baby. He was however pretty sickly. He had the worse sinus problems and I knew NOTHING, I did my best to care for him. He would wake up every night miserable. I would hold him until he could go back to sleep. I taught him to walk, to potty, to talk, to tie his shoes and so on. He was such a sweetheart. Always so good. As a young boy he really got into being a cowboy. He loved to wear his cowboy hat, help...