
As part of our women's 'Reconnection' at our place of fellowship we have been studying the Fruit of the Spirit...the 4th one being patience. I enjoyed the information so, but what has spoken to me even more is when I looked up the King James Version this week. Instead of Patience...it says Longsuffering. Part of our study of patience was how many, if not most, times we are taught patience by experiencing trials. Patience isn't given to you...it's is learned. So when I read the word 'Longsuffering' my heart was so stirred. YES...that's it. Longsuffering...to suffer for a period of time with or for something. If you are experiencing a trial....you may suffer long before the resolution comes. If you are praying for a loved one...you may pray for a 'long' while for them. This is the patience. Be prepared to wait...wait on the Lord. Wait for his answer. Wait for his result. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Wait....and wait some more. Be strong and continue on. Pray pray and pray some more. Suffer long for those you love. Suffer long for those you love and don't even know. Suffer long for that marriage. Suffer long for that person who does not know the lord. Suffer long...have patience for the answer is ahead of you. The answer will come in God's timing. We know that in all things God works to the GOOD. We have many examples of this....the one that we studied is Joseph. After his ordeal of being betrayed by his brothers and taken to a foreign land as a slave....he was then imprisoned for 2 or more years. An innocent man. A man of God. A faithful man of God. Imprisoned...he continued in his faith. He continued to pray and little did he know God had the plan in motion. God had the answer waiting in the future. Because of his faith, God had him released, promoted to a great position and then best of all he was restored with his family, saved his family, and was part of the wonderful genealogy of Jesus! How amazing.
So stick to the way...the way of Jesus. Do not give up. Continue to pray...continue to love him. Suffer long......longsuffering....patience. We do not know what tomorrow brings but we do KNOW who brings tomorrow. Keep your heart, mind, soul, and eyes on HIM. The plan is in motion, the answer is on the way.........................


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