Wedding Dresses

There is a blog I read occasionally called Kelly's Korner. On Fridays she has different entry's from guest bloggers. Such as people sharing different rooms in their homes. I have enjoyed viewing but never felt compelled to participate. Even now I am starting to chicken out but I am going to try and make myself. Why you might's for those who are not 20 something and getting married, for those who are getting REmarried, those who are older when they get married, and for those who are full figured and wearing a wedding dress and lastly for those who don't have $1,000's to spend on a 'day.' I was a single mother of 4 for 7 1/2 years when I married my Huz. We married January no that would be 16th 2005. That is a story...for another day.

When my husband and I decided to marry he wanted a wedding. I did not. I just wanted a ceremony. He wanted to have the caboodle. I wanted it nice and quiet. I agreed to a church wedding as a way of testimony but I was very uncomfortable standing before my family and friends and exchanging vows....again. I had never had a real wedding. I wore my prom dress to the justice of the peace for my first wedding. However being a mother of 4 kids, I was not sold on wearing a wedding dress, especially not a white dress. I had my mind set for a simple formal. Little did I know God had different plans.

A few months prior to our wedding we started attending a bible study with a couple I had only met once or twice at church. As we talked about our plans to marry the hostess asked me what I would be wearing. When I told her, she said 'No,' that I needed to wear a wedding dress. She took me by the hand and led me upstairs where she pulled out her wedding dress from 2 years prior. She made me try it on and it fit perfect. What were the chances?!?! So I took that as a sign that I was indeed to wear a wedding dress and a white one at that. I could go on and about the details of planning the wedding because it was truly God designed, but I won't at this time.

So, on my wedding day I was 41 years old, I had 4 children and I married the man God brought into my life. The wedding day is a story all it in it's has something to do with freezing rain, and a city being shut down....but that too is for another day.

So here is a picture of my borrowed dress. I am also adding a pic of my parents wedding and my oldest sons wedding.
My mom is also wearing a borrowed dress. That was almost 60 years ago. They are still married today. Enjoy the photos. I LOVE my daughter inlaw and my kids looked spectacular on their wedding day.


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