Ways to help

I am a reader/fan/stalker of the The Livesays Blog. I began reading their blog just after the floods in Haiti's. I had never been interested in Haiti's until I started reading their blog. Then I became intrigued. I then started reading the blogs of women who were in the Gi-normous game of waiting to adopt a child from Haiti's. What a crazy (ahem) system. But then it happened, actually one month ago today, the earthquake brutalized Haiti. I did not hear until the next day and when I did I went right to their blogs to see if they were ok...or if the adopters knew their children were ok. It's been intense to read along as they have struggled to survive their ordeals. My words make it sound so trivial and minor...I recognize that it was not and still isn't.

Today Tara posted names of smaller organizations you can help....check them out!
Real Hope for Haiti
The Apparent Project
Providence Ministries
Joy in Hope


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