
Showing posts from July, 2010

Ahhh...that's why....

So all along I have been blaming myself for the blogging slumber. Thinking I was in a funk...a foul mood. Nothing good to write about. Can't keep a thought and so on and so on.... Could this possibly be the reason I have trouble blogging?

A Decision

I have contemplated for quite a while opening our home to more kids. Is it the Holy Spirit nudging? I kept telling myself we can't because we don't have a large enough van. I also knew we couldn't fit more bodies around the dining room table. Well...we found a table. It extends to 8' long. So...I continued to think...well we still don't have a van or money to buy one. Then one Sunday I thought (again...was it the HS) turn the family room into a bedroom. So no w I am wondering is God testing me? Because I have held onto that family room. It's actually a larger bedroom we turned into a family room. I like it so. It's where the t.v. is. It's where the toys are. It's where all the family pictures are hung. I really like that room. So, is God testing me? Is he waiting for me to step out in faith before he opens the door to blessings? I don't know really. I want to know this is from him. I have so far turned our entry area into a dining room, to accomm...

A day at the beach

We were actually able to escape for a day this week. It was nice. One of my favorite places on earth...the Oregon co ast. Lincoln City to be exact. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing which made it quite chilly and the little one didn't like walking on the sand. She is funny about things. So she sat quite a while...which is very much unlike her. Then she rolled around the blanket some and then later she sat in my beach chair. Funny duck. The other two (we only took 3...the other 3 were scatter amongst family) had a great time. They were freezing half the time but would warm up quickly and go off again. The beach we go to has a small river that feeds into the o cean. It's called a river but looks like a small creek. Just perfect for Little ones to play in. We found our beach treasures, got a few sunburns (me) then after a few hours went to dinner at my favorite coastal restaurant....Mo's. The kids ate great. Little MK had clam chowder for the first time and loved it. S...

Summmmer break.....

I want to write, I want to share, I want to get on here and spill my heart....but it seems my mind is always a jumbled mass of much! This jumbled mass seems to have difficulty forming a sentence. Difficulty just forming coherent thoughts. Nothing is wrong mind you...I can think but it seems with so much going on, the thinking is on overload and it tends to 'spark' inside this skull. I enjoy reading other blogs and yet seem to have a hard time doing that even. Facebook....maybe it's facebooks fault. Short little tidbits. Teency bits of information here and seems to fit my mental lifestyle....or has it trained me to find comfort in those teency bits of information?'s just me. We have had our bouts with illness'. From strep throat, to colds, to stomach flu. Good times! not! We are in the middle of the adoption for our youngest. She is legally free...I guess you could say she is an orphan now. Sad that it came to that. Sad her bio Mom wasn't able...

4th of July Pictures



I really dislike going so long between posts because I never know where to start....what to share...a little 'writerswhelmed.' . I will start with facts: Summer is in full swing. We have bug bites to prove it. Mosquito's are horrible this year. We have gone through 2 cans of bug spray in 2 weeks. I can't imagine those who live this daily. A few have been to our lovely and local Multnomah falls once so far. Took my youngest kiddo and my youngest grandson. Their first time being there. We had lunch, which my eldest daughter paid for, and then we went and had icecream. A great day. We had a family bbq at my nieces house of the 3rd of middle daughters birthday. Nice seeing family and getting to hug on my brother. He brought newly acquired pictures of my nephew and some oldies of my siblings. As for my daughters birthday...she turned 13...TEEN. sigh...these kids...they grow up way too fast. She, for one, has been acting like a teen since she was 2 or there a...