Staying focused
I attended a State meeting yesterday in regards to our youngest foster daughter and let me tell you, I was exhausted from it. It is a huge emotional roller coaster. Through the first part of the meeting my hands were shaking so bad. When I get upset and want to talk about what is on my mind and know I can not....I shake. Holding all those emotions in makes me shake. What was so emotionally upsetting?....Well as you can probably guess (and I am sorry) I am not able to share any details. It's confidential (blah)! But I can hedge around it. The bio is attempting to get back on track again after being derailed for a bit. One thing she has done is gained employment. It's the type of employment she has gained that blind sided me and I believe, if I am reading her face correctly, blind sided the caseworker also. Then to add salt to the wound two of the paternal (yes the bio dads) family was there and totally supported bio mom in her employment as did bios attorney. For anyone who know...