Must be Spring

We Western Oregonians are sure having bi-polar weather. We had two days of clear, sunny, and pleasantly warm. Then we had a wind storm. We then had 2 or 3 days of solid pouring rain and in the middle of the night...we had snow! Today is mild and sunny with a nip in the air. Last week I would stoke the woodstove up in the morning to get the chill out of the air, the sun would pop out soon after and begin to bake the roof. By 2 p.m. I let the fire burn out and I would open the windows. Crazy. I do, however, love the cool/cold days with all sunshine. I did alot of spring cleaning, with the help of my beautiful mother, during that week. The sunshine sure helped.
The daffodils are blooming, the Daphne is budding, and other spring flowers are just popping their head out of the cold sun starved soil. I have seen pictures of the gorgeous "I love spring" forsythia. Love that stuff but don't own myself. Maybe again someday. It is such a celebratory bush. Having survived the cold dark winter it just suddenly explodes with vibrant hues of yellow. I am ready for favorite season. I loved the days I lived on the back roads of a small Eastern Oregon town on a large farm. Loved seeing the earth waken from it's slumber. I loved seeing the frenzy of the birds preparing for nesting. Seeing the cows give birth. Baby animals popping up everywhere. Spring is so full of life. I guess that is one reason I love Easter so much. Not the bunnies and chocolates kinda Easter, but the resurrection of my blessed savior. Death did not have our creator did. He gives us renewed hope, He gives us a total cleansing from our wretched ways (ok...speaking of myself) and allows us daily to walk in his HIS love. Resurrection Sunday comes to remind us, it comes to have those who walk all year without God the father a comfortable chance to walk through the doors of church again. Once there they either hear His word and make a commitment or walk back out the doors only to return at Christmas. Spring is beautiful. Spring in my neck of the woods doesn't have snakes slithering about quite yet. Spring is where people begin to grumble about the rain and rejoice on the days the clouds stay at bay and the sun comes to visit. I need spring....everyone needs spring. We need renewed. Praying for renewal.


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