Seeing the finish line...

Met with our certifier yesterday and was told we should be getting a call from the State office regarding the adoption of our 2 foster kiddos. Today, the State called. We were approved for some adoption assistance which is great news and we will be receiving the paperwork in the next day or two to fill out for the "vendor" attorney. So, I am thinking the adoption should be final within the next month. In this case, it still always feels bittersweet. The bio mom now attends church with us and it appears she cares for us and trusts us, so to be happy with finalizing the adoption feels .....odd. The bio mom wasn't too thrilled with us hyphenating our name with the kids' last name...but she didn't create too much fuss and said she understood our reasoning. What's seems funny (lack of a better term) about that, is their last name isn't her last name. She still carries her maiden name. She does state though she is thankful she gets visits at all. She will get a visit once a month and she sees them at church weekly and sometimes twice a week. I know in my heart it is right. I pray I can always be a positive and Godly influence in her life. I desire so much to see her be victorious. I know she can be. Pray for her. I will call her TKA. Pray she can stay on the Godly path. I pray she grows and matures in the Lord. That she will in turn be able to be a Godly influence on her kids.
That's the newest new...not ready for school to start. Thankful our schools do not start until after the holiday. I like having my kids home. I like having the flexibility to do what we want when we want...but come it will.
We are blessed. We have our is not easy...but we are soooo blessed. I am thankful and proud to call these two my kids.


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