June 25th 40 year Anniversary

My oldest sister just celebrated her 40th wedding anniversary. I have a few memories of that day. One of those memories is thinking "she looks so beautiful." I have always adored my sister. Today...my sister is still so beautiful. She gave my parents their first grandchild, my nephew. She then went on to have two more children...the youngest was a girl. That girl stole my heart. Oh how I adored her...maybe it was because I loved her mama so much. I idolized my brother in law. He was a dairyman, which meant he was around animals. How cool was that. Because of him I got to be around dogs, cats, cows, chickens, and horses. It was until many years into my adult years I discovered he never actually liked me...isn't the ignorance of children bliss!?!?! Though coming to that realization, that didn't erase the fond memories I had/have. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. This couple meant the world to me, for so many years. Though we don't get together much anymore, I know I can call or go see my sister and she would still love me and make me laugh. She is a treasure. She had 3 great kids and 6 wonderful grand kids. It's amazing what young love can do!

Their 3 kids

Their 6 grandkids

The whole brood

Papa's favorite team...more ways than one
Lester and Angie today


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