Names in The Lambs Book of Life

I don't mean to be so neglectful with blogging as of late but it seems so little time and energy. I did have time to catch up on blog reading and once again...Kellys Korner had a 'Show us Your Life' I wanted to participate in....
Your Kids Names....

I have a formal name, Malissa, but my family and friends always called me Missy. So I decided that was what I would do with my kids. Give them formal names with a good nickname.
James Allen - Waaaay back in 85 I had my first child. My first love! I named him James Allen and usually call him Jamie or Jake. He was named after my Grandfather who passed away when my dad was 12. I gave him the middle name of Allen, after my husbands best friend.
Karina Rose - In 1988 I was blessed with a daughter. I was going to name her Alissa...but it just never set right with me. Maybe because it didn't have a nickname I liked. My sister and I sat around the table one day talking about it and she liked the name Carrie. So we played around with spelling and formal names and such and we came up with the perfect name Karina, nickname of Kari. I gave her the middle name of Rose, my Mom's middle name. Love it!
Anastasia Rae - Then several years later I was pregnant with my 3rd child, a daughter. I chose the name Anastasia, yes after the Russian Tsar daughter. As a child I was very fascinated by the story and by the beauty of Anastasia and at the time it was a very unique name. A month after she was born the Disney movie Anastasia came out. Not so unique now, but we could buy things with her name on it. We call her Staci which fits her perfectly. I gave the middle name, middle name.
Amelia Renae - Then very soon after and while on birth control I became pregnant with my 4th. I was not happy to be pregnant again but accepted it was what it was. About 5-6 months into my pregnancy my husband left me. I was devastated at the prospect of having a baby and 3 children and working full time. I could not see how I would manage. Some encouraged me to adopt the 4 baby out. But deep in my heart, that was not an option for me. Another name I always loved as a child was Amy. Don't know where I heard it but I named my baby dolls Amy. I then had to decide on the 'formal' name. The one I liked was Amelia. When she was born, she was the cuddliest most affectionate baby I had ever had. She filled a void in my heart...and the name Amy fit perfectly...the meaning is 'Beloved.' Her middle name is Renae. I have a sister and a niece whom I dearly love with the middle name of I used that and changed it some.
Phoenix Marie - we are in the midst of adopting our youngest. When she was placed with us I never liked her name. We only called her Baby girl. Now when we say it, it sounds more like a name than a term of endearment. Once it became clear we would be adopting her I started thinking about changing her name. I was excited...spent weeks praying and thinking about it. I wanted God to speak to me about her name. Afterall she ultimately belongs to him. Nothing night I was flipping through a magazine when my niece texted me and one of the things she asked was if I would be changing BGs name. I told her, I think I had come to the conclusion her name would stay the same. About 2 minutes after that declaration I turned a page in the magazine and a full page ad for Phoenix college was there. It said "I am Phoenix!" whoa! hmmmm....could it? Would it? I will take that as a yes. So her name stays Phoenix. Now it's not final and maybe God is testing my faith and he will give me something different at the end...but I am pretty certain this is the name decided for her. As for middle name. She named after her Bio mama and its the same name of my best friends, one who has passed and one who is still living. It's a good name and it keeps her connection with her birth parent. So I am good with that. Phoenix seems to fit her now. When people ask her name it's usually the younger generation who like that's good. She's beautiful and perfect no matter what her name.

Some names I LOVE and would love to have children or grandchildren named;
Alivia and Nathaniel. I could not get anyone to agree to Nathaniel.'s a great name and one you don't hear often. Maybe one day....just maybe.
I do believe there may be an Alexis out there for our family.....but that's another story.

As for my adult kids, these are the names they have used for my grandsons and future grandkids. We have a Carter James and a William Arnold. The names they have picked out for future kids....Karson Daniel, Natalie Dawn, Evelyn Fae and Daniele Rose. Good names!

The best thing of for all these names to be written in the Lambs book of life......GLORY!!!


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