Resurrection Sunday

I am one of many to proclaim on Resurrection Sunday 'He is Risen' or 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today' in order to share the truth of my King, my savior. He does not die every year for Easter, He does not lay in the grave. No....I know the truth....Jesus Died once, was buried for three days once, and then rose from the dead ONCE. He took MY sins upon HIM ONCE! I accepted HIM into my heart once....NOW I praise His name daily over and over. I serve others because of Him over and over. I will share about him every opportunity I get. I will share the love of Jesus to all I meet. I will use Resurrection Sunday aka 'Easter' as another way to proclaim HIS truth in every venue possible...because hearts are open. I believe every day of the year...not just on Easter. I believe in the one God sent. I believe The Creator is also our Savior.
Thank you Jesus for loving me/us to give your all. Thank you for saving. Thank you for conquering. Thank you for living. Thank you for loving us still today. Jesus you are Lord. Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. You are Lord of my heart and I THANK YOU!
I believe this every day! I believe! I will sing praises to you on Easter. I will sing praises to you EVERYDAY....because..."I Love You Lord!"


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