Much about nothing

Haven't really had anything of value to post about lately. Have been feeling pretty whelmed with life as of late. Some of what goes on in my world can't be posted about because of confidentiality...sadly. But I will someday. I can say this....we will be pursuing adopting our foster children. If all goes well all should be said in done in February and possibly March. Lots of hills to climb at this time though.

I need some huge changes in my life or death may come early. I think my body would just give out. Some of the changes are faith. I have to learn to let go more. Let go and let God so the saying goes. But so true. When my marriage sucks and decisions are being made I do not agree with I MUST learn to place my trust in God....because HE will not let me down. Other changes are my eating habits. Enough is enough. I am not fat and happy. I am miserable and I am not sure how to get to where I need to be mentally. I am asking God for wisdom on that one. I must get more organized. Life is whirling out of control so it's time to change the plan of action and attack from a different angle. There are others I am sure.....

God is the Creator and he is the savior...I know he will help me through, so I have to be faithful and let Him work it out in me and through me!
I am not perfect or anywhere near perfect...but I do know the one I serve is!
"That He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Philippians 1:6


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