
Showing posts from June, 2008

Field Day

It's a new day and a beautiful one in the Pacific Northwest at that. This is also day two of the countdown to 'Summer Vacation' for my girls. My son A has been on Summer VaK for a week and a half. Today also happens to be field day at school so there is excitment in the air. The girls still seem very excited about Home schooling for that I am very thankful. I do have decisions to make though. To attempt to be part of the public school extra curricular or not. There is MUCH discussion amongst the home school community regarding this. It will come down to a prayerfully made decision on our part. Organized sports and music lessons are very spendy and knowing my 5th (soon to be 6th) grader could participate in public school sports for a small fee and have many more practices compared to paying a VERY high fee and having one practice a week is a difficult decision. But do if I have convictions regarding public school they why would I subject my daughter in any aspect. Ahhhh, the...

Blogging for Dummies.....

Well here I am, still trying to figure this blogging stuff out. Most of it seems very easy but then there are a few quirks I just can't figure out. So I will need to outsource a fellow blogger. I hate that I am so limited, but hence I am! Today is a great day. Today is the day my oldest sister Angie was born. I love and adore her. She has always been good to me and I have always been proud to call her my sister but then again I have always been proud of ALL my siblings, all 5. I do wish her the happiest of birthdays. Angie, I love you! My girls have 2 days left of school and then it's over for the summer. This is a significant ending of a year because it could possibly be their last. It is possible they may never participate in a public school again until college. They are excited about summer and they are excited about home schooling. I too am excited and nervous at the same time. I will pray daily that God will give me the wisdom, energy, and patience I need to teach my chil...


Well it's another day of attempting to set up my new blog. It's actually coming together, but still so far to go. I am banking on the old cliche regarding old dogs and new tricks. I have no experience with the evil (lol) 'My Space' so this is truly a different world. Way off the road of e-mailing and texting. Let's see, now if i can just figure out how to share with family and friends. Are you still praying for me??? :-)

In the beginning....

So it begins, and maybe ends. I have decided to give this world of blogging a try. Why? Maybe, just maybe I might have something to offer others. Be it humor, wisdom, insight, prayer...who knows. I have been a mom since 1983 and still have 3 at home. Life is NEVER boring (though don't ask my kids that question). I gave up my 'career' in September 06 to become a stay at home mom. Have not regretted it one bit. Now comes a new adventure. My husband and I have made two huge decisions, one is to home school two of our children and the second is to become foster parents and possibly adopt....hence the blog. I thought it would be a good outlet for journeling the joys and the challenges. You will find with me, I do not (will not) take precious time to edit my writings for grammatically correct entries. Takes too much time and thought. I may even have a typo or two. So I will say now, 'please forgive me and forgive my lack of attentiveness to detail.' I pray something I...